Maintaining Balance In Unprecedented Times

A message from Rejuve-Nation Founder: Dr. Paul Given

My friends, at this point it seems cliche to talk about 2020 being such a write off. But it was in many ways.

A pandemic, worldwide chaos, anarchy south of the border, collapse and failure of leadership governments institutions; and close to home on a very personal level the restrictions on family and social connections, families and marriages imploding and collapsing. In the midst of all this it seems that everything that is near and dear; what is familiar, provides structure and normalcy comfort and security has been disrupted, turned upside down or eliminated.

So what do we do? And know this: I am not speaking as some Ivory Tower paragon. This has affected and threatened everything that I hold dear at a level that I have never experienced in my 59 years of living. I don't know what to tell you to do, but I can tell you what I'm doing.

For nearly 3 years, all of my spare time has been consumed: 70 hour weeks; wearing a tool belt; poring over ledgers and papers; endless correspondence with banks and lawyers: then waking up at 2:30 a.m., worrying about all the above.

It has eroded me, my faith, my outlook and most importantly my ability to love, serve and care for the people most important to me.

There is no Resolution without Revolution, mine started in early December; ramping up and resuming all the self-care that had been gradually relegated to the back burner:

I have dug deep daily into my Bible, in times where there is no standard and everything is shifting and unstable I need the word that has stood the test of time for thousands of years. I am on my knees daily praying for the people who I love and care about.

I am on my bike and running moving lifting in some way every day.

I am paying attention to nutrition and intake; plucking out and eliminating toxins.

I am getting adjusted more regularly and have committed with my team to maintain a disciplined Floatation-R.E.S.T. practice twice per week.

In the world that I can't change I am working on the one thing that I can: ME.

I have a family and people to serve and the only thing I have any power over in the chaos of this world is myself; clean up and keep shiny my own little corner. I invite and encourage you to join me.

If you are feeling stuck, powerless, helpless or hopeless; if you would like to start but don't know where; if it seems overwhelming, start with one thing. Taking authority over one thing in your life is the starting point.

It can be any one of the five pillars.

1. Core Chiropractic, restore integrity to the movement system and neurological control of the body, regain the ability to heal and feel and move.

2. Exercise and oxygen: use your movement, become stronger, more flexible, leaner.

3. Nutrition: start putting in clean complete nutrients and fuel.

4. Mindfulness: regardless of your philosophy or faith spend time quiet, connecting to the source and quieting your mind and body.

5. Freedom from toxins: start weeding the garden; eliminate the stressors, the toxic; food toxins, environmental toxins and yes, toxic people.

There are resources everywhere; books, blogs, podcasts.

An awesome starting point that covers all five pillars is a book written by Dr. BJ Hardick, Align Your Health.

We have spent three years building a place where all of these can happen under one roof, in one village; if you would like help or direction we would love to be part of kick-starting your journey. We will invest in you by giving you some free coaching or services to begin your transformation. I keep a few copies of doctor Hardick's book on hand for people just like yourself, I would be happy to give you one.

Take a first step, your ability to change is far greater than anyone has led you to believe.

I hope you will join me,

My warmest regards,

Dr. Paul Paul Given


Floating To Be The Best You


Floatation-REST for Serenity